You can style portions of your web page whatever you like to be displayed. Although this is more tedious to do than CSS, it is also fun and interesting especially when you're lazy putting your CSS within your head tag. We'll tackle some of the more familiar ones below.
If you wish perhaps to have different web pages of different skin, you can use the < body style >. This will override your default skin (css template) without losing it.
<body style="background:#ffffff;color:#000000;border:1px solid gray;align:center;">The paragraph tag < p > can also be styled by adding 'style' into it then perform the usual assigning of attributes and values to it. The example below shows how it is done. So simple to follow because all presented here are of the same pattern. No sweat.
The horizontal rule < hr > is the horizontal straight line that you can see on your html document. You can add color, width, height (or thickness, in px), or image into it.